Stoic Ascent
The Realm Of The Inner Self | STOIC ASCENT
The Realm of the Inner Self

The Stoic philosophers were masters of their craft most certainly we can attain much wisdom from this philosophy. Here in particular we shall be only concerned with the realm of the inner self so that we can be well on our journey towards the understanding of this particular aspect of the human condition. 

In the simplest of terms, we can look upon this concept as our personal self. Meaning that all that is from within us is the realm of the inner self. Thus, everything that is from the external world that we operate in is not from the realm of the inner self.  

These two realms can be often mixed as to how we look upon these depending on what it is that we are dealing with at any particular time. Therefore, if we begin to increase our wisdom in this regard to see with an increased ability all things and place them accordingly in their correct places those being from either the realms of the inner self or from the external world. It is then that we truly start to become better placed on how anything can be dealt with, as it should be. 

The reasons why these two things are often confused to the people firstly is due to them not beginning their Stoic journey thus not starting to think more deeply on how these two realms are connected yes separate at the same time. 

They are connected due to the human condition that a person cannot step outside of this world that we find ourselves in completely so that we can become independent of it. So, we are confined to being here and experiencing all the marvels of the interconnectivity of Nature that we all experience. 

So, any experience that is present is a person can ask themselves is this from within or from an external impression? This in the first instance will present some clarity to the one who asks such a question. When our rationality presents an answer to such a question it will be the starting point thus becoming our first premise. Once we have arrived then just as we did at the first premise, we can seek out the second premise just as we did the first premise. Till we get to a conclusion accordingly. 

With practice, this will become part of our mindset and outlook as we traverse further along the Stoic path. Of course, some things will be more difficult than others to know than others especially when certain kinds of emotions like anxiety, stress, and fear are presented to us which are all from within. Yet it was something from the external world that perhaps caused them to appear.  

What do we do then? Well, we can certainly arrive at our first premise indeed as this will provide us with wisdom and act in accordance with Nature which is to act in accordance with the highest potential of our rationality. It is therefore the start of such a concept being applied for if our rationality has not worked out from which realm is the cause of what has been presented then it is only our rationality that shall present us with a hindered position should we arrive there, for it had faltered on reaching the correct premise to continue to work forward from there. 

On the other hand, if this concept of knowing the inner self correctly has been thought about more deeply and this brings about a greater insight then an increased level of self-awareness is found. Certainly, there are times when nothing of the external world seems to have been the cause of something that was brought forth from the inner self. This could be something of instinct which can be part of two things one being from our past experiences or perhaps something that our eyes or mind did not see yet we had a gut feeling that was presented. Things of this nature should not be ignored yet it may not be the wisest position to let something like this become our state of being at the particular moment. Rather it can be accepted as a kind of signal that some parts of our inner selves prompted us to bring into our attention. Once that signal has been found as it is accepted as such then it can be acted upon in accordance with Nature accordingly.
