Stoic Ascent
Hire Rahail to Speak

From the humble beginnings of working with individuals in personal circles and towards my personal journey along the stoic path. Progressing towards applying the stoic concepts within the workplace.
After some time through contacts being asked to speak other SMEs to assist in their teams to overcome their adversities in the regards of logic and how to thing rather than what to think.

One of the central themes with stoicism is to live in accordance with nature which has various interpretations although in The Stoic Way it has been discussed for the concepts of to live this way is the way to live with our rationality is ascended to its fullest potential. Image Image Image A powerful psychology of the stoics which is just a few click away by ordering the Stoic Way today. The time is now to be more in the present moment for a person only truly own the present moment and nothing else.


“A Day spent with Rahail is very insightful the clear-cut logic and Stoic principles were not only shown to us in the first half of the day. The value really kicks in during the second half of the day when Rahail actually presents how these concepts can be applied to issues within our organisation.”
“As we were looking for something different for our management team as part of our executive training which we are glad to say indeed we did. The problem-solving concepts are the best part and we are now looking further into Stoicism as a result.”
“Initially I read the Stoic Ascent book which brings forth a unique take on Stoicism which was an enjoyable read. As I saw on this website that Rahail could be hired to speak and is London based we booked in a full day for our company. As this sounded like something which would actually give some tools which our team could use which they certainly have been doing. Highly recommended”